Peak season for mosquitoes – stitches with lasting consequences

Mosquitoes feel particularly comfortable in certain climatic conditions. Whether outdoors or in buildings, they can be found almost everywhere. In the best case, they leave an itchy sting that disappears after a few days.
The best protection against insect bites and to prevent health problems is the application of appropriate protective measures. E.g. mosquito nets on windows and doors to keep the housing insect-free can help. Outdoors, the best protection is wearing long clothes. If a man or a woman does not want to wrap himself completely, an effective insect repellent for the uncovered skin is required.
If, despite all protective measures, you have been stung by a mosquito, anti-itch gels and cold packs help against the itching and swelling. These should not come into direct contact with the skin directly from the freezer, but should be removed from the refrigerator. Otherwise threatening vesicular chilblains can occur!
If the stitch still does not heal after a few days, a bacterial superinfection of the skin area could be the cause. This infection is largely promoted by the scratching of the stitch. At least now, medical attention should be sought in order to start timely appropriate external and / or internal therapy. If the bacteria have already worked their way into deeper tissue layers, sepsis (“blood poisoning”) threatens to have serious consequences.
Another cause of a non-healing stitch is leishmaniasis. The infection of the skin with Leishmania can be made via mosquitoes or sandflies. Often they usually occur in the face sting site, reminiscent of a normal mosquito bite. The itchy nodule does not heal, but breaks open and secretes a purulent discharge. Untreated leishmaniasis leaves big scars. With modern medicines, the extent of unsightly scarring can be limited if the start of therapy is timely.